Ever wondered what life would be like if you knew your role, your part in this stage, that is, the universe?
It is said that we come to enter this world with our life story already laid out, but I feel that's deceiving. I believe the only part that is laid out is birth and death, the rest is all onto us, how and what we make out of the life that we've been given.
We may be playing just a tiny little part when looking at it from the perspective of the universe, but changing the perspectives changes a lot of things. One always aims to make the best out of one's lives, to live like the main character. Sometimes one feels as if the world revolves around them. Well, maybe it does, even if it doesn't; what's wrong with believing that it does?
One might achieve all the great and worldly that there is, but one often seems to be lacking the most important thing; oneself. Discovering and realising one's full potential, might help them find themselves. In the process of finding out what one's potential is worth, one ends up finding more than just that. Like any other journey, the journey to this self-actualization, requires a driving force, a driving force that pushes one to be the best version of themselves for their own good. Through this journey, one grows apart from being a facade, and moves towards actually 'being', knowingly and acceptingly. The individual going down this path, is neither trying to be more than what he or she is, nor trying to be any less. One learns to take control over the attendant feelings of guilt, insecurity, self-depreciation or bombastic defensiveness. It is through this journey that one connects with oneself, through the deepest recesses of one's emotional, empathetic, psychological being. Once after establishing that connection, one finds himself being increasingly willing to be the 'one' that he discovered, with greater depth and accuracy.
Maybe going down this journey will help one find what their role is. If not, it definitely will teach a person to be accepting of others' as well as their own flaws, to be true to themselves and the world, and most importantly, discern between the superficial and the real when judging situations.
Great Thoughts 💯
Well this little thought right up the sleeve is anytime helpful!!
Plausible work.
This really describes our life right now.......this is very true
Well... those are some elaborate thoughts. Amazing work!