Always in an attempt to be bright, we often tend to bury that real flower with a fear that it may wilt and show its flaws and unknowingly replace it with a faux one. Everyone likes and admires the faux one because it's "perfect" but the faux flowers wilt too. We chase those faux values, that everlasting stream of joy, not realising that while trying to get even just a handful of that "perennial" joy, we have submerged a part of ourselves in the dark. It's always the buried flower that's the real deal though, and it's us who come to that realisation only when the faux flower gets replaced because it got too old and by the time we try reviving that buried flower, it already decays.
What if we never bury that flower? What if we let it face the sunshine and the storms and let it wilt on its own?
Grow everyday, not into someone new but deeper in yourself, into who you are and who you've always been. Endlessly evolve into your truest self, for tomorrow you may grow more or wither in place or bloom.
Good work kiddo!!!
Wow!! this was quite awesome!
Your blogs never forgets to amaze!!